Are you looking for a way to keep your daily staffing and student schedules organized? Check out our daily classroom schedule templates and corresponding samples for inspiration!
Educators have a lot of responsibilities throughout the school day. From student goal work, one-on-one instruction, and coverages in various parts of the school, it can be a challenge to keep up with each day’s routines.
Incorporating visual schedules and detailed instructions broken out by time frames, class subject, or for each student/staff member can help keep everything organized.
Bonus Tip: Display your daily schedules and coverages in an easy-to-access area in your classroom that is visible to all of your classroom staff and students as appropriate.
The special education resources on this page were authored by Watson Institute’s special education consultant, Andee Morris, M.Ed.
Staffing Templates
Staff Organization Schedule [Template]
Lunch & Recess Staff Coverage [Color-coded Sample]
Staff Schedule – 3 Column [Sample]
To Do Checklist [Blank Template]
Staff Coverage – 8 Period Schedule [Color-coded Sample]
Staff Coverage – 8 Period Schedule [Template]
Staff Instructions by Class Period [Sample]
Staff Responsibilities for 8 Class Periods [Sample]
Classroom Schedule Templates
Student Academic Schedule – 3 Column [Sample]
Individual Student Schedule [Template]
Individual Student Schedule [Sample]
Daily Plans and Schedule – Days of the Week [Sample]
Daily Plans and Schedule – Days of Week [Template]
Daily Plans and Schedule – Days of Week [Excel]
Planning Sheet Student Schedule Adult Roles [Sample]
Student Schedule for a Classroom of 8 [Sample]
If you have questions or concerns about the Watson Institute’s use of this information, please contact us.