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Focus Forms
I have some students who have a difficult time attending during longer teacher/student discussions. They are playing with items in their desks, talking to other students, doodling, or looking around. What can I do to help them focus longer on the topic at hand?
Explore using a Focus Form – one example is a list of student names in one column and a column to check off next to the name. Tell your student that you need help remembering if you called on each of these students. Would he/she please make a check each time one of these students is called upon? Another example is to make a column of the vocabulary or key words being used during the discussion and a check-off column next to each word. Ask the student to check off when he/she hears the vocabulary words during the lesson to make sure you cover all the concepts.
Focus Form refers to an engagement activity to aid students who have difficulty focusing and attending during longer teacher/student discussions or teacher directed instruction times.
Quick Facts
- Child's Age: 6-10, 11-13, 14-17
- Planning Effort: Moderate
- Difficulty Level: Easy
ability to read simple sight words
Decide on a type of Focus Form to be used. (vocabulary words, student names, key concept words)
Create an easy form with the items in a left column and a check-off column on the right of each item.
Ask the student to assist you with your instruction by completing the form during the instructional time.
*Note – One teacher created a form of key words for every student in her class to use and check when she uses the word
Documents and Related Resources
Focus Forms Sample 1 (Word document)
focus form sample 1 (PDF)
Focus Forms Sample 2 (Word document)
focus form sample 2 (PDF)
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