Social Skills to Handle Losing

Social Skills to Handle Losing photo - Watson Institute

Playing games or sports can be a lot of fun for children, especially when you win! However, learning how to be a good sport about losing is an essential social skill to help students maintain friendships and learn self-control. 

Here are a few lessons you can teach your student or child to help them handle losing like a champ! 

  1. Be nice to your friends and peers, even when you lose. Tell them, “good game” or “congratulations on your win”. It’s hard to lose, but being a good sport will help you maintain friendships. 
  1. Losing helps you practice self-control! Rather than reacting poorly when you lose, take a few minutes to breathe deeply and calm down so you don’t say or do something you may regret. Self-control helps you manage your emotions, particularly in challenging situations like losing a game or sporting event. 
  1. Don’t give up! Even though you may lose from time to time, you should keep trying your best. The next time around you may be the winner! 

Losing happens to everyone from time to time. Even professional sports players and gamers lose. It’s what you learn from the experience that matters most! 

Try out our social skills learning module on losing today to help your students learn from losing! 

The special education resources on this page were authored by Watson Institute’s special education consultant, Andee Morris, M.Ed.

Powerpoint Presentation:

I Can Learn From Losing!

I Can Learn From Losing! Facilitator’s Guide

Resource Materials:

I Can Learn From Losing Mini Schedule

I Can Learn From Losing Outline

I Can Learn From Losing Parent Note

I Can Learn From Losing Social Power Point Card

I Can Learn From Losing Teacher Note

I Can Learn From Losing This Week I Might Try

I Can Learn From Losing Activity

Pre/Post Assessment

A pre and post lesson assessment is included in each lesson. Use of the assessment is an instructor preference.  Many of the ‘homework’ pages for a lesson can be used as a pre/post assessment device alone or as part of the provided assessment.  Each homework page can be checked by the instructor as well as the student.

Review all included pages of the lesson to determine what ‘assessment’ method will meet your needs.  If the student is able to achieve a + in the majority of items of the pre-assessment, or if the student has been observed to display the skill topic of the lesson often, then the lesson may not be introduced or can be taught with a group as review and/or reinforcement.

I Can Learn From Losing Pre/Post Assessment

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