Social Stories about Home Life

Social Stories about Home Life photo - Watson Institute

If you are looking for resources to help your child with special needs understand specific concepts about home life, try using a social story! 

Everyone’s home life is unique; not all families look the same or live the same way as others. Helping your child with exceptionalities understand that their peers may have different family or home set ups as theirs can be achieved using a social story.

Our special education consultants have prepared a few about families, as well as appropriate behaviors to practice in the home. For example, our resource called “I Like to Draw” – it’s okay for your child to enjoy drawing, as long as they are not doing so on the walls of your home!

Social stories teach your child appropriate behaviors and help them understand specific concepts by telling the story through your child’s perspective.

If these scenarios don’t suit your specific needs, try creating your own social story! Here are a few considerations to keep in mind when making your own story: be sure the story is written from your child or student’s point of view, and try to incorporate special interest areas such as favorite tv/movie or book characters, and activities they enjoy and to which they can relate. 

Check out our social stories about various facets of a child’s home life today or create your own!

The special education resources on this page were authored by Watson Institute’s special education consultant Andee Morris, M.Ed.

These behavior social stories may benefit your students.  They can be downloaded, saved and edited to suit your needs.  The * notation indicates the story is formatted in a Power Point presentation and the ** notation indicates a Power Point with sound narration.  Each Power Point has animation included on each slide.  Some occur automatically – some occur on a “click”.  Feel free to send comments or questions to [email protected].

All About Babies

All About Families


Divorce Story

Sleeping in My Bed

I Like to Draw

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