Social Skills for Appropriate School Behaviors

Social Skills for Appropriate School Behaviors photo - Watson Institute

Often adults tell their children or students to, “make good choices”. But what if your child doesn’t know what that means or what makes each choice a good one? 

In the social skills teaching module about making good choices, educators and parents can help their students understand what it means to make good choices and how they can evaluate a situation to determine the best course of action. 

Making good choices can be achieved if your students remember these three things when faced with a decision: 

  1. Choose Kindness
  2. Consider Safety
  3. Take Responsibility 

Learn more about each of these three guidelines and gain access to the homework assignments, activity guides, and educator materials to help reinforce this lesson with your students! 

Teaching your child or student how to evaluate and make good decisions can help them gain a stronger sense of independence as well as confidence.

The special education resources on this page were authored by Watson Institute’s special education consultant, Andee Morris, M.Ed.

Social Skills Power Point Presentation:

Making Good Choices at School PowerPoint

Making Good Choices at School Facilitator’s Guide

Resource Materials:

Consequence Flow Chart

Making Good Choices at School Activity

Making Good Choices at School Homework

Making Good Choices at School Magnet Cards

Making Good Choices at School Mini Schedule

Making Good Choices at School Outline

Making Good Choices at School Parent Note

Making Good Choices at School Teacher Note

Pre/Post Assessment

A pre and post lesson assessment is included in each lesson. Use of the assessment is an instructor preference.  Many of the ‘homework’ pages for a lesson can be used as a pre/post assessment device alone or as part of the provided assessment.  Each homework page can be checked by the instructor as well as the student.

Review all included pages of the lesson to determine what ‘assessment’ method will meet your needs.  If the student is able to achieve a + in the majority of items of the pre-assessment, or if the student has been observed to display the skill topic of the lesson often, then the lesson may not be introduced or can be taught with a group as review and/or reinforcement.

Making Good Choices at School Pre/Post Assessment

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