Classroom Photo Album

  • Situation

    I really don’t think the students in my Life Skills class know each other’s names. If they do, they certainly don’t use them! Any ideas on how to practice this besides constantly encouraging them to use names?

  • Summary

    If your students are struggling to learn and remember the names of their classmates, creating a classroom photo album provides a great visual tool for students with special needs to reference. Label each photo with the student’s name so other students may reference this tool.

    A labeled Classroom Photo Album provides a visual way for students to match names with faces.

  • Definition

    A Classroom Photo Album is a collection of students’ pictures with name labels.

  • Quick Facts

    • Child's Age: 3-5, 6-10
    • Planning Effort: Low
    • Difficulty Level: Easy
  • Pre-requisites

    pictures of students photo album/book

  • Process

    1. Take photos of each student and place them in an inexpensive photo album.

    2. Add name labels to each photo and review with the class.

    3. Place album in the book area so students can look at it during free time.

    4. Add new photos and pages as year progresses.

  • Documents and Related Resources



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