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Consequence Flow Chart
I have a student in my class who becomes upset over the smallest problem at recess. He’ll cry or throw things when something doesn’t go his way on the playground. The other kids have obviously noticed this and are starting to stay away from him. How do I help him understand that what he says and does directly affects his relationship with others?
The Consequence Flow Chart provides a visual system that helps a student understand how choosing a “behavior path” can produce the desired or opposite result. Each chart addresses a specific situation the student has experienced, and illustrates how making a good choice can lead to positive results with his classmates, while choosing a different path may end in disappointment and lack of friends.
Create a simple flow chart template (laminated for reuse) that has two behavior paths. One path outlines the behavior the student exhibited and what happened as a result of that behavior. The other path outlines what the student should have done instead and what the result would have been using a more appropriate behavior.
The flow chart helps the student think through the consequences of his choices so that he may respond appropriately in future situations.
- When this behavior occurs, talk with your student about the situation and fill in each of the boxes together on the consequence flow chart.
- Discuss how your student reacted in the situation. How did that reaction work out for him/her? Did he/she get what they wanted or did it upset others?
- Talk with your student about alternative behaviors he/she could’ve used in this situation and how that would have changed the result of the situation.
- Review the flow chart with the student before potentially problematic times/activities to encourage him/her to choose the more desirable behavior path.
- Compile a book of flow charts that can be reviewed by your student when needed.
The Consequence Flow Chart is a visual strategy that helps a child understand the results of his words and actions – whether positive or negative.
Quick Facts
- Child's Age: 6-10, 11-13, 14-17
- Planning Effort: Moderate
- Difficulty Level: Easy
visual materials prepared concept of cause and effect
Create a simple flow chart format (either by hand or computer) with an upper and lower behavior path. Laminate for reuse.
Talk with the student about the recent situation he has experienced. Use a dry erase marker and let him write in the first box, or write it for him if necessary.
Discuss how the student reacted in this situation. How did it work out for him? Did he get what he wanted or did it upset others? Write the result in the last box of the upper path.
Brainstorm with him about another behavior choice he could have made instead. Write that in the first box on the lower behavior path.
Help the student think about the possible positive results of that action and write it in the last box on the lower path.
Review the flow chart with the student before recess, or other potentially problematic times, to remind him of more desirable behavior options.
Compile a “book” of flow charts that the student can refer to when needed.
Documents and Related Resources
The Way to A: Empowering Children with Autism Spectrum and other Neurological Disorders to Monitor and Replace Aggression and Tantrum Behavior (retail site to purchase)
Consequence Flow Chart – Blank (Word document)
Sample consequence flow chart sample – others perspective (Word document)
Consequence flow chart others perspective -blank (Word document)
Behavioral Charts Blog (Behavioral Chart alternatives – resource blog)
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