Keep it Relevant

  • Situation

    I lose many of my students during instructional time that is teacher directed and includes longer time spans of discussion and lecture. How can I hold the attention of my students who may have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or students with a Learning Disability?

  • Summary

    A few strategies that may help include movement breaks and using “hear it, write it” strategies.

    Movement breaks and flexible seating give neurodivergent students the opportunity to move their bodies during periods of long instruction. Perhaps students needs to take a quick walk in the hallway, move to a standing desk, or move to the floor. Provide flexible seating opportunities for these students.

    Secondly, consider creating connections by ensuring the information you present connects to your students. How does it relate to their lives? Their cultures? Check to see if students have background knowledge of the topic, if not, provide that background information.

    When students can relate to something in their lives, their attention can be hooked and maintained more easily. Giving verbal examples relating information to everyday life and hands-on activities that relate to a student’s world gives them a reason to attend and engage. Expand the relevancy during instruction to a writing task using “Hear it, Write It”.

  • Definition

    “Hear it, Write It” refers to the strategy of relating instruction to a student’s life and surrounding environment. Giving relevant life examples during teacher directed instruction and hands-on assignments increases and maintains focus, attention, and learning.

  • Quick Facts

    • Child's Age: 6-10, 11-13, 14-17
    • Planning Effort: Low
    • Difficulty Level: Easy
  • Pre-requisites

    Group response boards/papers, knowledge of personal information about the group

  • Process

    1. Assess the lesson to be taught.

    2. Assess background knowledge of topic.

    3. Identify relevant examples in the town, students’ lives, students’ school, etc.

    4. Determine ways to incorporate the relevant/familiar information in your instructional presentations and lessons.

    5. Throughout instruction intermittently say to the students: “Hear it Write It!” – students then write one thought or word that relates the instruction to their life.

    6. Next cue: “Heard it, Wrote It!” – this is a cue for them to hold up their answer if they want to share with the class.

  • Documents and Related Resources

    Shouting Won’t Grow Dendrites – 20 Techniques for Managing a Brain-Compatible Classroom (sample retail site for purchase)

    Consultant/Author: Lisa Plastino, M.Ed.

    If you have questions or concerns about the Watson Institute’s use of this information, please contact us.