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Positive Behavior Support Plan Fidelity Data Checklist
One of my students has a Positive Behavior Support Plan that addresses his tendency to call out the answers in his general education classes. He has paraprofessional support in these classes, but he needs so much prompting to keep up with the school work that his behavior plan isn’t being implemented consistently. What can I do to help everyone follow the plan?
Try a Positive Behavior Support Plan (PBSP) Fidelity Data Checklist to serve as a visual “walkthrough” of the plan’s implementation steps.
The Positive Behavior Support Plan Fidelity Data Checklist outlines the targeted behavior(s), prevention strategies, replacement skills to be taught, consequence strategies and the effect on behavior – all in a quick, easy-to-use checklist format. It provides an abbreviated reminder of what to do before and after behaviors occur, as well as the effectiveness of the strategies.
Quick Facts
- Child's Age: 3-5, 6-10, 11-13, 14-17, 18+
- Planning Effort: Moderate
- Difficulty Level: Easy
Positive Behavior Support Plan
Fidelity Data Checklist
1.Create a Fidelity Data template (or use the one provided.) Delineate sections for:
- targeted behavior(s)
- prevention strategies
- replacement skill(s) to be taught
- consequence strategies for performing the replacement behavior (new skill)
- consequence strategies for performing the targeted behavior (“old” behavior)
- effect on behavior (i.e. whether the strategy/step was effective or not)
2. Review the Positive Behavior Support Plan. Extract the key information to fill in the Fidelity Data Checklist categories above.
3. Explain the Fidelity Data Checklist to all staff who support the student in his classes and other school environments. Specify how to collect the data and when you’ll review it (daily? weekly?)
4. Collect the Fidelity Data Checklists and compile the results. If after 2-3 weeks of consistent Positive Behavior Support Plan implementation, no improvement is observed, it may be time to revise the plan. Take heart: research shows that only 33% of initial PBSPs work without revisions!
Documents and Related Resources
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