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Subtle Math Fact Learning
I have a student with Autism Spectrum Disorder. He has difficulty with his math facts but refuses to ‘be taught’. He likes to be ‘in charge’. He gets frustrated with his math and wants to know the answers but refuses to sit in a math group or even individually when I am teaching methods for learning the facts. He also loves creating power points in Language Arts. He will insert his favorite character in each one as an image. But what can I do for this student in math?
Use the student strengths, motivators, and even characteristics that seem to interfere in order to create subtle ways of teaching. In this case use the Power Point motivation, his desire to be in charge, and what ever character he likes at the time. See the Process Section for specific steps.
Subtle Math Fact Learning simply means creating ways to teach without the student realizing that he/she is learning.
Quick Facts
- Child's Age: 6-10, 11-13
- Planning Effort: Low
- Difficulty Level: Easy
ability to create power point
Have the student ‘tutor’ another student in math facts. Create flashcards that have the problem without the answer on one side for the ‘tutee’. For the tutor have the math fact written out WITH the answer. The tutor will continually see the problem and the answer. He/she can say the problem aloud (without saying the answer) as well. The repetition and visual cues may help the tutor learn the facts.
Allow the student to create power point slides of each math fact. Give note cards of each fact to be learned. Allow the student to use his favorite character when creating the math fact power point.
Consultant/Author: Andee Morris, M.Ed.
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