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Test-Taking Toolkit
I have a student in my class whom I know is very bright, but his test scores sure don’t show it! He’s attentive during class and participates on occasion, so it seems like he’s following along but then freezes on the exam. What can I do to help him prepare more effectively?
The Test-Taking Toolkit provides visual supports that help students plan for studying and test-taking. Included in the “kit” is a study guide that highlights important content from the text, as well as the pages where the answers can be found. A suggested study schedule is provided so that the student can see what material should be studied each night leading up to the test as well as how long each study session should take. The study schedule also provides boxes where the student can check off his study sessions as he completes them to track his progress. A final visual reminder printed on brightly colored paper is placed in the student’s folder the day before the test.
(Adapted from Simple Strategies that Work, B. Smith-Myles; D. Adreaon; D. Gitlitz.)
The Test-Taking Toolkit is a collection of simple visual strategies that help students plan for studying and test-taking.
Quick Facts
- Child's Age: 11-13, 14-17
- Planning Effort: Low
- Difficulty Level: Easy
Ability to study independently
Review the unit and create a study guide that includes the important content you want the student to focus on, as well as the page numbers where the information can be found.
Develop a study schedule which outlines sections of material that should be studied each night. Provide an approximate amount of time each section should take and add boxes at the end of each section to check off progress.
Print a final reminder on bright paper to be placed in the student’s folder the day before the test.
Check the answer De-Stress the Test which may be utilized to reduce test taking anxiety.
Documents and Related Resources
De-Stress The Test (related situation on this site)
I Can Tackle Test Taking (Social Skills PowerPoint)
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