Visual Chunking: Homework

  • Situation

    How can I get my child to do his homework? It is a struggle every night.

  • Summary

    Breaking down the task or assignment into smaller pieces or “chunks” can make overwhelming tasks doable. Review the assignment and divide it into parts and have your child do one part at a time. If it is a longer assignment give them a short break and then return to do more “chunks”.

  • Definition

    Visual Chunking involves organizing homework into manageable units. This adaptation makes homework look more “doable” to any child, decreasing negative behavior towards the task. There are a variety of ways homework chunking can occur.

  • Quick Facts

    • Child's Age: 6-10, 11-13, 14-17, 18+
    • Planning Effort: Low
    • Difficulty Level: Easy
  • Pre-requisites

    Be sure your understands the homework and that writing issues are not the primary obstacle in his completing the homework.

  • Process

    1. Review your child’s homework first to organize.

    2. Decide how to “chunk” – with post-its, by cutting it, by drawing off sections; or use a variety of ways with different papers.

    3. Choose your ’preferred’ items or ideas for notes

    4. Implement and reinforce homework completion

  • Documents and Related Resources

    Examples of chunking PDF


    Examples of chunking Word


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