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Visual Prompts: Homework & Book Bag Reminder
My child is always forgetting to bring home her homework, lunchbox, or other items. How can I help my child remember what needs to come home from school each day?
Create a visual prompt to be kept in her book bag to help her remember to pack all the things that need to come home each day.
Visual prompts help address difficulty in memory and organization. They may include written notes, pictures, or other visual cues. Visual prompts may help facilitate learning or assist in developing independence in routine tasks.
Quick Facts
- Child's Age: 6-10, 11-13, 14-17
- Planning Effort: Moderate
- Difficulty Level: Easy
Ability to understand pictures or photos. A consistent list of items that need to come home each day and photos/pictures of items to come home.
Determine items to come home each day.
Take photos of items (folders, lunchbox, texts, etc.).
Put photos on a sturdy (laminated) piece of paper.
Put visual prompt in readily accessible area of book bag.
Model and review putting the items into the book bag.
Documents and Related Resources
do2learn.com (link to free, printable pictures)
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