Alternatives for Pencil Chewing

  • Situation

    I have a student who chews her pencil during seatwork. She chews the metal top until it is ragged or comes off and will often chew the pencil right down to the lead. Not only does this behavior distract her during writing activities, but I am concerned for her safety! I have tried chewy pencil tops, other oral stimulation (candy, gum), and visual cues. Nothing seems to prevent her from chewing the pencil. How can I prevent this behavior.

  • Summary

    You may want to explore use of a weighted pencil cover to end pencil chewing and help your student with special needs regain focus on tasks at hand rather than chewing on their pencil.

    If you have tried switching your student to mechanical pencils, pencils with fidget toppers, or pens and the chewing persists, try using a pediatric weighted ceramic/granite pencil holder. These are typically designed and marketed for individuals with poor muscle control but can be used to combat pencil chewing.

    Weighted pencil holders should come with screws which can be used to attach it to the pencil. The pencil should be completely covered by the holder so there is no exposed pencil on which the student can chew. This will address safety while other strategies are explored if necessary.

  • Definition

    The weighted pencil holder is made of a hard ceramic or granite type material. It securely holds most round or irregular pencils up to 5/16 by the use of 3 tiny screws which are secured with an Allen wrench. This pencil holder is often marketed for individuals with poor muscle control, however, it may be effective in deterring a persistent pencil-chewer.

  • Quick Facts

    • Child's Age: 6-10, 11-13, 14-17
    • Planning Effort: Low
    • Difficulty Level: Easy
  • Pre-requisites

    Purchase of a weighted pencil cover

  • Process

    1. Obtain a weighted pencil cover.

    2. Sharpen pencil until it is just smaller that the cover.

    3. Secure pencil in the cover using the screws and allen wrench.

    4. Remove pencil to sharpen as necessary.

    * To purchase, see link in Related Resources.

  • Documents and Related Resources

    weighted pencil cover

    Pocket Full of Therapy – Standard Weighted Pencil Holder (link to site for purchase)


    Consultant/Author: Andee Morris, M.Ed.


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