My child’s team tells me that he is very dependent on a paraprofessional to transition in the lunch room, from recess, and in the classroom. How can they help him to be more independent and not just wait for the adult to tell him when to come and go?
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Teaching Independence for Children with Special Needs
I’m a Middle School FACS (Family and Consumer Sciences) teacher and I have a student with special needs in my class of 20 general education students. She’s not disruptive, but she also doesn’t participate very much. How can I help her get more out of my cooking classes?
I have a 3rd grade student in my Learning Support class who needs extra help with most academic subjects. She becomes very resistant when I try to work with her on a one-to-one basis. If I do get her to work with me, she only lasts a few minutes before she starts asking when we’ll be done or she refuses to work altogether. How can I get her to focus and work cooperatively?
As a parent I would like to know some ideas or tips to help boost my children’s self esteem. It seems that they both struggle with not having much self confidence in what they are doing, mostly in school. They are very bright but doubt themselves in most things they do. Does anyone have any helpful ideas or tips that I can try? Thanks!
My 5 year old takes off her socks and shoes every 10 minutes when on her bus. There is an aide on the bus, but the shoes aren’t always put back on. What can I do about it?
My child is always forgetting to bring home her homework, lunchbox, or other items. How can I help my child remember what needs to come home from school each day?